David Neevel: Dear Gif Diary

Aug 8, 2010

Dear Diary,

Last week was very special.  I hung out with David Neevel.  Yes, diary, exactly!  THAT David Neevel!  The bearded artist of Portland, Oregon!


No, not THAT bearded artist of Portland, Oregon. Neevel! The hot-dog ring guy.   He even came to the Tesseract Gallery with Jimm Lasser and Andrew Dickson!


It was super, super hot, so we ran up to the roof, where Jimm and David made it even hotter!!


When I realized I made it into his Gif Diary, I just had to run straight to you, Diary, and write all about it!  I’m flushed with excitement.  You must excuse me!



Diary, it’s getting late and I have to go to bed now.  We’ll talk more tomorrow, when David will have even more fantastic gifs for us!



Suzy Mae

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