Aug 8, 2010

I'm a boy
Look, I turned into a boy!

Expect what I say to have more gravity and meaning in the coming weeks.  I’ll be posting more often, since I don’t have spend all my time putting so much makeup on anymore.  Girls. What a waste of time that was.

So anyway, I’ll be looking for a new job, since I’m a guy now, and we just happen to make more money.  I love it, bro!  Hang on, I’ve got to take a whiz.  I love this new urination tube.  It’s just so handy!  No wonder we guys like to deface public property with this stuff. Girls, I’m telling you.  It’s not just the new primal urge I feel to control and rule over every perceived piece of my territory.  Aiming your pee stream is just plain fun.

So what else do guys do?  I kind of feel like kicking back.  I have some work to do.  Maybe I’ll ask that receptionist chick at the office to transcribe these notes for me.  I’d do it myself, but girls are so much better at details and spelling.  I’d just fuck it up, you know?  Why bother.

You know what else is really cool?  I used to feel bad asking people to do things for me.  Or saying things that were stupid aloud.  But in my new body, I’m practically entitled to a say in the conversation!  Listen to this:  Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Deep, huh!  I’m going to go order a bacon topped sandwich from somewhere and go rock climbing.  Gotta test out this new muscle mass.  YEAH!

So don’t worry about me anymore.  I’ll be staying out late and walking home alone and drunk with no worries tonight.  I may even go to a lesbian club to watch chicks make out…  Nah, I just turned into a guy.  Don’t want to get back to my feminine side in such a rush.

Later, bros!

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