bay area hysteria

Sep 9, 2014

Living in LA, you don’t think about San Francisco much.  You meet the occasional ex-resident, and think about road-tripping, but mostly, San Francisco is a further-away Venice Beach.  A little colder, with more homeless hippies.  But after a few weeks working in SF, I get it!  I understand now.  It’s a city people should live in, enthusiastically!

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A random series of AirBNBs and corporate hotels had me bouncing from North Beach to the Mission to Union Square.  Which is pretty cool– if you’re going to travel, get deep in the neighborhoods.  Go local.

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Rivalry + writing= entertainment.  My buddy Dave Cairns won this @WriteClubSF competition (rightly so), and all the proceeds went to charity.  #goodjob

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The Mission, a larger area than I expected.  For some reason, my mind conceived San Francisco as being the size of Silver Lake.  But no, it was much bigger.  With more taco shops.  And psychics.

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Rames read my tarot in the park.  Totally sweet dude– if you see him, say something.  Get your energy read.  Recommended!  Four stars out of four.  tl;dr, good things are coming my way.

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It’s an hourlong flight.  Commuting to SF from LA is really not much different from the east side/ west side drive.  Minus traffic and stress. Plus red wine and movies.

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Being in San Francisco for work meant I missed out on quite a few social calls.  Not to mention photo opportunities.  And performances.  And the ferries.. And this Pop Physique competitor Avant Barre... So I’ll see the Bay on my next vacay.  Serious!


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