Category Archives: Advertising


Sep 9, 2015

todays society

Let’s talk about our evolving society

Men are about self-indulgence when it comes to consumer packaged goods, says Nielsen.  Especially compared to women, who are more into convenience and household health.

Suppose your CPG preferences drove you apart– but in a mutual, “it’s all for the best” kinda way.  Be like the people who are celebrating their divorce with selfies.  Good on you.

This isn’t generous.  Pope Francis says women who’ve had abortions can now be forgiven for a “year of mercy.”  How about minding your own business, dude?

Another “pfft, college” piece from the New Yorker.  I love these.  Almost as much as I love…

Think pieces about how technology is changing our brains!  Here’s one on depression, social media, and the nuanced, contentious link between the two.


fun only zoneThat was heavy.  Make me smile

Grimes started an art co-op called Eerie Organization and they’re already putting out music.  Pumped.

Meryl Streep gets her own Lifetime movie (sketch), thanks to Funny or Die, where a brilliant Christina Applegate channels the acting goddess.

Something fun to do with your Apple Watch.  Fuck someone!  This new sex toy is called Blush, and it connects to an app.  That allows you to control it.  Why did this take so long?

Banksy’s Dismaland gets a promotional trailer.  Love or hate the secret prankster, admit this theme park is an amazing artistic creation.  Admit it!

The Republican debate is exciting when it’s badly lip-read.  Otherwise, I feel faint.

radvertisingAdvertising.  Social media.  What’s really going on? 

Burger King’s clever offer to make a McWhopper for Peace Day didn’t work out (cause McDonald’s is WEAK), but other brands were eager to join in.

Speaking of McDonald’s, their long-awaited all-day breakfast could drive up egg prices.  Other chains have actually slowed down their egg-focused promotions due to a shortage.  But McDonalds is all, “eh.”

Instagram’s new feature lets users send each other images, so the @-mentioning is now a thing of the past.  That shit made up 40% of comments on average!

Google’s new logo is giving me life.  Serifs can go to hell.





Considering accessibility

Jun 6, 2014

Accessibility-72andSunny-SuzyMae-Strategy copyWe met working at 72andSunny, a fast-growing advertising agency making the coolest work in culture today.  Ken Lin, Max Miner, Roberto Salas, John Angelopulos and I needed to make a website more than accessible to people with impairments– hearing, visual, or physical disabilities.  It had to push the boundaries of what accessibility could do, be compatible with common hardware, serving the needs of people with disabilities who use screen readers, magnifiers, and closed-caption tools.


Going straight for experience, we blindfolded ourselves to understand what using a cell phone feels like with no vision, quickly discovering the most obvious difference.   Without the benefit of sight, navigating a touchscreen interface with a screen reader is much easier than using keyboard.

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In your hand, the tactile sensation of a finger dragging across a flat surface, signaled by ascending and descending tones, is simple to understand and memorize, compared to manually searching through code.  Screen readers that use keyboards require lots of listening, patience, and practice to decipher even the most basic websites.


A friend from Chicago, Andy Slater, joined us on a Hangout to share his experiences using technology.  Legally blind, Andy has retinitis pigmentosa, which makes his eyes extremely sensitive to light, but allows a limited range of vision.  Trying out blindfolded tasks on a cell phone is much easier than needing to use screen readers 100% of your time online.


Andy’s insight helped us understand what designers consistently miss when creating websites for a general population.  Sidebars can obscure information when a screen is magnified, so consider notifications about content.  Make accessibility tools easy to trigger on and off, especially on cell phones.    Even small, obvious things like the need for hearing-only games make a difference.


Building simplicity and elegance into the website’s means rethinking the standard code that screen readers access.  Use short, descriptive lists, instead of long pieces of text.  Add search options.  Recognize screen readers and activate accessibility mode immediately.  Senior UX designer Max Miner used his in-depth experience in accessible sites to lay down a strong, highly functional architecture that kept every design on point.


Creatively, the site came together with a powerful creative message from Max, Roberto, John, and Ken, supported by creative directors Chi and Gui, plus strategy director Bryan Smith, creators of the innovative Art, Copy, & Code site for Google.

Working as a strategist on this team goes down in history as a project that keeps me proud to work in advertising.  Combining expert information, qualitative research, and first-hand experience to help develop a digital product that’s well crafted, beautiful, and functional, plus highly accessible was a win.

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These deep research projects that I love so much help me realize, no matter how much we know, or think we know, there’s always more to improve upon and learn.
