Category Archives: Advertising

Improvising / advertising

Dec 12, 2013

Yesterday I leapt onstage at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in LA alongside six other people, with a plan to entertain a crowd, unscripted, for thirty minutes. This could have been terrifying, but for three reasons, it wasn’t. I’d prepared as much as I could. I knew my group. I knew the structure. And I was secure in that.

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I started practicing improv theater after realizing there were lessons to be learned in improv that could improve my performance as a strategist and creative. I recommend a basic improv class to anyone involved in advertising, whether you’re on client side, the creative department, or a CEO. Not only does improv push you to develop your on-the-spot thinking skills, it develops confidence, awareness, and creativity. I’ll get specific, even, and detail three ways improv helped me improve.

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Team playing //
Connecting with a team is a huge need for strategists. Planners have to be extremely diplomatic, guiding creative ideas into a format that’s best for the consumer. You can’t shoot down a creative idea or clash with a creative director. Even if you know the research shows nobody will use this app for more than thirty seconds. Improv’s most famous rule is “yes, and.” In a successful skit, you don’t say “no” to an idea. Your character may say no, but as a performer, you accept the reality your scene partner creates, no matter how wild. It’s about trust and respect, and finding a place where both realities can live together. “Yes, and,” your way to a creative solution. “Yes, and while we know branded apps that push news to the user are rarely used more than a few times, this creative could work well in an e-newsletter, or integrated into a Pinterest board.”

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Unique approaches //
Strategic planners can never deliver a basic performance from a template– each project and each brief has to be custom, crafted, intelligent. Otherwise we’re dead weight at the conference table. Improv is about delivering a custom performance every time. There’s no backup script or character to revert to. It’s all in the moment. Never performed before, never performed again. Part of creativity is the ability to accept any concept or idea, if only for a second. It’s only by accepting the impossible that we break free from tradition. And in advertising, we’re always seeking to disrupt traditional messaging with a new, poignant take on an established offering. Taking on the work required to come up with a unique approach is definitely harder than delivering to basic expectations. But it pays off when a strategy comes to life in the hands of creatives.

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Dedicated listening //
We have to hear every detail in improv, remember it, and use it immediately. We have no props, costumes, or sets. The audience has nothing but our words and actions to interpret, and not only must these be crystal clear, they have to be completely aligned in order to tell a story that makes the audience laugh. Names of characters, details about who’s who, aspects of the environment, accents and relationships… all quickly created by improv actors, operating on instinct. In a performance, it’s not enough to think quickly. You have to listen closely. This is incredibly relevant for meetings, especially with the client. The client knows more about their product than agency folk could ever think to ask– and we have to keep our ears peeled for details and comments that could reveal important insights. Listen closely instead of waiting for your turn to speak, and you’ll start to understand the objectives your clients value, the things that scare them, and how this specific project fits into a larger plan. At the very least, listening closely to your client allows you to understand the terminology used to describe the brand or product attributes.

Live, learn, and take an improv class.


Commercial subtexts

Nov 11, 2013

When not working, I’m still making ads.  Mutant Taco ads.  Screenplays about futuristic marketing mind harvests.  Deconstructed advertising collages.  But one favorite new habit is melding clips of commercials together, creating SUPERCOMMERCIALS.

Cheese Slave

Cheese Slave from Suzy Mae on Vimeo.

Ultra Zest Power Shower

Power Shower from Suzy Mae on Vimeo.

Zest Subtext


Big Bastard

Los Angeles : Dissociation Superhighway

Aug 8, 2013


Los Angeles exudes a definite psychic difference from other large cities. People don’t associate.  To associate is to connect someone or something with something else in one’s mind.  To group.  To collaborate.  We don’t do that in LA.  Communities are hard to come by.  More often than not, we dissociate:

“That is an asshole in a Toyota Tundra blocking my lane, not a man driving carefully because he’s driving his elderly grandmother home from the hospital.  That’s not a breathing, fragile human being balancing a two-wheeled machine.  It’s a goddamn biker in my lane.  That’s not another person in my line of work who might be an interesting partner. It’s my competition.”


Identified here are four similarities between the autopolis of Los Angeles and the information superhighway (what a throwback phrase!).  The same way Angelenos fail to see each other as humans is similar to the way we interact and dissociate online.  You don’t believe me?  Start your soundtrack.  Here we go…


Competitive psychic isolation // Competing intent for attention

Los Angeles is an autopolis, a postmodern mess of Carmageddons and A Clogwork Orange.  Yes, really, A Clogwork Orange.  The shoulder-rubbing interaction of public transportation, plus opportunities to actually walk through a neighborhood that New York City and Chicago provide are absent from most urban areas of LA. Lack of community is pervasive. Los Angeles residents drive from the garage to the freeway to the parking lot. There’s no forced diversity, and casual interaction is strained—you’re always in someone else’s way.  Such is the Internet, where we position ourselves as the individual, the master, completely in control of how we present ourselves, constantly demanding someone, anyone, look at us!  Retweet us!  Like us!  Psychic isolation and demand for attention drive dissociation.


Supremacy of the beautiful // Idealized personal presentation

The rating system for human hotness is strictly enforced in Los Angeles.  The ultimate is a ten.  Everyone wants to be a ten.  Very few people are tens, but there are more here than anywhere else, and lots of nines and eights, and this is the cause of much frustration. People rating themselves on an unrealistic cultural ideal is just what we do.  The vanity that Los Angeles has long been mocked for is rampant on the web.  Don’t argue.  You’re all doing it on Facebook and Instagram, shaving off the sweetest, juiciest bits of that lifestyle you lead for everyone else to observe and enjoy.  We recoil from reality, dissociating from real connections.


Ideological separation // Physical separation

Online, we delve into the same type of separatist experiences Los Angeles citizens must endure to stay sane.  After a few years traveling cross-town in brain-numbing traffic for parties, waxings, weddings, and work, many an Angeleno has vowed to never leave their neighborhood, excepting yearly vacations.  Compare that to traversing the web, where you choose exactly what to accept and what to ignore, like Eastsiders and Westsiders on our respective sides of the 405. We don’t have to argue.  We don’t have to go anywhere uncomfortable.  Each website click and food delivery funnels us deeper down an ideological pathway. We selectively narrow our online and physical explorations, dissociating from opportunities for growth.


Constant distraction // Ad bombardment

Any visitor to LA is immediately struck by the heavy population of billboards, murals, brightly painted storefronts, moving ads, publicity stunts, galas and openings and skywriting and neon.  The giant buildings and car-ensconced status of each potential consumer means advertisers must work that much harder to reach us, cluttering the landscape with sexy giants.  It’s the banner ad of life.  The pop-under of the soul.  Online advertisements are becoming
increasingly stubborn
, limiting your “Skip Ad” options and counting down those interminable seconds until we reach that content or destination we so earnestly desire.  It’s difficult to drive without ad distraction in LA, and just as difficult to navigate the web without an ad up in your face.  Constant distraction dissociates us from the task at hand, whether it’s making a left turn or researching a paper.


I do love Los Angeles. And while I believe both the Internet and Los Angeles are cliquey, competitive, and isolative, they’re also wonderlands of opportunity and small pockets of community.

What’s your take?

