Category Archives: Advertising

Who’s your favorite art director?

Mar 3, 2013

Ad rags recently buzzed with a test Crispin Porter + Bogusky distributed to their art directors:


Some people said the more pathetic responses garnered pink slips; CP+B announced it was merely to ensure the right kind of aesthestics were assigned to the proper types of projects.  I like the concept, either way, and stopped to consider how I’d answer.

PW Set

I’d go with Wayne White and his Pee-Wee Herman set.  The unique, exploratory and innocent character of Pee-Wee needed a home that provided visual eclecticism, amazing contraptions, and a bold willingness to go places no other set designer had tried.


Not only did Wayne create a space that was intriguing on his own, he did it in tandem with another creative genius, enhancing an iconic character with unbridled vision, and allowing Paul/ Pee-Wee to expand and exploit another dimension of his act.

I had the opportunity to watch Wayne’s one-man performance last year at Largo, the closing night that ended up in “Beauty Is Embarrassing,” a movie about his life and art.  Afterwards I got the chance to speak with him, and show him a photo of my own puppet/costume, Miss Rotten Frosting.
WW Beauty

As he signed my book, I told him my art would not be the same if I’d never seen his work.  In fact, my perception of the world would be altered.  Wayne did every piece of illustrations for Pee-Wee merchandise.  I scrutinized his hand-drawn letters, sketchy renders of Pee-Wee, and drew and drew and redrew the Pee-Wee citizens…  They were oozing, hairy, weird yet welcoming things.  I felt in his art that there might be a place for me on this earth.  That I might have a way to express my strange sense of humor and create the crazy visions I saw internally and in my dreams.
PW Card2

Wayne White did this for every child who watched Pee-Wee.  He did it without a need for recognition and without straying from his internal artistic motivation.  Plus he got paid.

PW Card1

I find mass- produced art fantastic.  Art isn’t just a money game played by billionaires or restricted to a language spoken only by academics.  It is a nonverbal and emotional form of communication between humans.  And that is as close to psychic connection we’ll get… until we make it to the next dimension.

Big Adv

As Jello Biafra says, “Don’t hate the media. Become the media.”



World’s Fastest Agency

Mar 3, 2013


I’ve long upheld that the fastest to adapt are the first to succeed, but as a perfectionist and ex-spelling champ, I can’t help but notice that the new “World’s Fastest Agency,” despite having a game-changing and efficient model, included a typo in their press release to the world.

Screen shot 2013-03-18 at 9.12.05 AM

Did you catch it?  Lightning, not lightening.  I can tell you from personal experience that a crack of electricity from the sky is much faster than a professional blonding session.   There’s about 8 hours of difference there.

This type of detail omission is tragic for an up-and-coming agency’s FIRST MISSIVE TO THE WORLD.  If this is what they’ve had time to prepare, how many points of view and relevant details are they going to gloss over in their creative and strategic deliverables?

Screen shot 2013-03-18 at 9.21.25 AM

That said, I wish them lots of luck and happy proofreading from now on.  The business model requires a staff of smart, informed individuals and a leadership team with boldness and insight to attempt such a unique idea.  I’ll be paying attention.


Live, learn, and optimize.





Do Virtual Bartenders Dream?

Feb 2, 2013

Virtual Bartender

What is this new, fancy Sunset and Vine Walgreens trying to do with a virtual bartender?

Manhattan cocktail search results

The kiosk is a mix of video clips (the bartender speaks to you!) and touchscreen browsing through drink descriptions and recipes.  I believe the interface had TOO MANY CHOICES, some that felt like forced advertising (About Our Brand!).  As consumers, we want simple, tactile, and satisfying.

Scotch Selector

The content is helpful.  Who doesn’t need a guide through the nuances of a particular scotch while picking out a dinner party present?

But the OPTIONS!  Wine Cellar, Scotch Center, Brand Information, each with a little description and photograph.  Don’t do this.  Offer back screens and lists of information, rather than many multiple buttons.

Manhattan recipe

Overall, a nice installation needing some navigational tweaks.

But horror of horrors, Walgreens boldly offered a classically abominable digital/ physical disruption.

Walgreens does not stock the ingredients that are included in their recipes and recommendations.  This is the opposite of seamless, my friends.

I even sent the register boy and his superior (excuse me, associates) scrambling through the aisles in search of bitters.

“What was it?” they kept asking.  “Biggers?  Is it a vodka?”  No, fancy digital virtual bartender, your recipe would have gone unfulfilled…

…if I weren’t the professional/amateur barkeeper of ©BarMae, fully stocked at home.
