Category Archives: Art

Blending traditional valentines with digital

Feb 2, 2013


Real-time valentines prepared with love in advance of the 14th (a personal tradition), here with sweetheart Sarah.  I teased & shared my cards across my personal Instagram account.

The ones who requested valentines got them.  Each kissed with a golden seal.

The postal service delivered beautifully.  A batch of envelopes stamped at home using online postage calculators were dropped in the mail February 11th, and arrived at their domestic destinations on the 13th and 14th.

Reactions were swift, and digital.  My favorites were Instagrams of my valentines safe in their new homes.  Sooooo glad the postal service is still delivering little notes like these.  Thank you, sexy postmen!


Dr Phil inspires me

Feb 2, 2013

When I worked at Trailer Park, someone edited the TV interstitials for Dr. Phil every morning.  

 Every morning, loud and clear, the most controversial and provoking statements would be broadcast from their editing suite– grand exclamations, proclaimed in that nasal, honking voice of Dr. Phil.

"You whored your daughter out for a rock of crack co-caine?"

"You came on my show and you told your mother you would fist[BLEEEEPED]ck her to her face?  [AUDIENCE GASP]

"You left your children in a burning house and ran out with your lover instead?"

Of course, being in the editing process, the same phrase and even word would be heard repeately.

"You whored your daughter-"

"You whored your daughter-"

"You whored your daughter out for a rock of crack"

"rock of crack"

"you whored your daughter out"

[SLOW MOTION] "whored your dauuuuughter out"

"Fridays, on Dr. Phil"

These moments were the best part of my day.

In honor, a video cut to Dr. Phil's narcisisstic patient, discussing her bad luck and subsequent seven abortions.


Lawyers of Hot Topic

Feb 2, 2013

I love designing flyers.

At work, I get so entrenched in logistics and strategy, it’s nice to use my creative side for something useful, rather than my personal artwork.

Bryn & car

When dear friend Bryn asked me to create a flyer for a medical/ legal discussion (yes, she’s brilliant), I jumped at the chance to make something respectable, yet refined, that honored our shared love for art deco.

So I made her a flyer.  Then I made her another, because, you know, humor.


Health-Law_HOT TOPIC
If you’re really interested, here’s more on the Boyd  Health Law Society.  The time has been changed to noon.