Category Archives: Art

Danny and Agnaroth, Part I

May 5, 2010

Danny and Agnaroth.

Danny!  He’s an innocent little farmboy.   He, his dad, and his 14 sisters work all day in the fields, tilling soil and harvesting soybeans, the food of the future.  They struggle to deal with the fact that an evil corporation is setting up a factory a few miles down the road.  CORMCO, the evil operation, has patented their seeds.  If any of the strains float downwind and infect Danny’s soybean field, CORMCO will be able to sue them and take over their entire farm!

1_Danny and Agnaroth

Danny, his sisters and dad all keep shotguns polished and ready by their beds, in case the gang wars of Idaho spill over onto farm soil.  One night a shrieking noise makes them all run out to the field, guns in hand.  It’s a UFO and it’s destroyed half their fucking crop!

Milicent, one of the more tense sisters, raises her gun and shoots out the big window on the ship.  Alice blasts the hull.  The whole family joins in and begins a space massacre, as aliens pile out of the ship with their hands up to be blasted away.  Only one is left, a felllow named Agnaroth who’d been in the bathroom the whole time.  He steps out of the ship as Danny and his family are inspecting the wounded alien bodies.  Agnaroth picks up a shotgun, which is remarkably simillar-looking to flower vases on his home planet, to look at.  The human family is caught off guard.  Agnaroth finally realizes the carnage surrounding him.  NOOOOOOOO MY SISTERS!!! He yells. Danny is shocked.  He realizes the pain he would feel as Agnaroth and the rage…  He walks up to Agnaroth.  No, no.  he says.  The evil people did it.  He points at the CORMCO building.  They did it.

Agnaroth’s ship is destroyed and his heart is broken, so he stays at the farmhouse for the night.  The sisters want to shoot him in his sleep, but Danny says no.  He rationalizes that Agnaroth’s rage can be focused on the evil corporatin, and with alien help, perhaps they can destroy CORMCO and recover the damage to their crops that his spaceship caused.

The plan’s agreed to, and Agnaroth becomes one of the family, living in their web of lies.