Category Archives: Art

Dancing about architecture

May 5, 2014

I’m incredibly proud to write for deviantART’s interactive, beautifully designed depthRADIUS community.  Especially as my initial article’s on a topic close to my creative heart– collage.  Writing about art is walking a spiderweb-thin fine line between impulsive, childlike joy and serious critical thought.  

Amalia Pica's 54th Venice Biennale: ILLUMInations, 2011

Amalia Pica’s 54th Venice Biennale: ILLUMInations, 2011

See, every child is an artist.  Every kid can draw.  Creating a personal world without fear is standard behavior.  Anything can inspire, and no child is held to a specific format. Except for when growing up starts, and the rules begin.  

Stefan Sagmeister's The Happy Show, 2012

Stefan Sagmeister’s The Happy Show, 2012

As humans, we need structure, rules, social norms and education.  Chaos doesn’t look good on us.  But as society evolves and evolves over and over to an industrialized state: eating salads out of plastic bags, sleeping with our cell phones, staying up all night on electric light– we start to lose that connection to universal rhythms that children access so easily.  

Jason Evans' Pictures for looking at, Paris Photo Exhibition 2013

Jason Evans’ Pictures for looking at, Paris Photo Exhibition 2013

So, we shut off our minds and dive into our art.  Creating in a void of expectations is a determined goal, a practice now, instead of instinct.   But we can’t help it when real world rules seep in to our works.  When we acknowledge the need to tell a story in three acts, or apply standards of composition and depth, or make a conscious statement about our society… And this is a good thing.  It’s a balance.  It’s interpretation.  It’s communication.  It’s grown-up art.  

Museum of the Moving Image, prosthetic legs from the film Black Swan, 2011

Museum of the Moving Image, prosthetic legs from the film Black Swan, 2011

As a deviantART member, this is the mindset I took on when writing for depthRADIUS.  Linking my personal inspiration with real world happenings.  Allowing the kid in me to explore the process of creation with an adult’s critical thinking skills.  

Frank Pollard's Agency Observation (ongoing series)

Frank Pollard’s Agency Observation (ongoing series)

To repeat a well-known phrase with mysterious origins:

Writing about art is like dancing about architecture.  (Some people will think you’re crazy, but it’s really fun.)


Cat Show

May 5, 2014

I went to a cat show & took photographs.  Why?  Because I love cats.  Cat shows are places where cat lovers go.

Cat Show Suzy Mae_4

You’ll encounter aisles and aisles of cats in cages, loving owners grooming and teasing them to furry perfection.  Demonstrations and examinations of certain beautiful kitty individuals happen at different stations throughout the large convention center.

Cat Show Suzy Mae_7

Cat lovers are interesting people, to be sure.  Me, my friend, and a thousand others here for the fur.  Young women, old men, middle-aged ladies of all shapes and clothing styles.  One bro.  I saw one bro.

Cat Show Suzy Mae_5 Cat Show Suzy Mae_11

Among the cages, scratching posts, and cat-themed apron dresses for sale, the cats took their showcase in stride.  Good-natured by selection, adorable by trade, the cats tolerated us humans and our commercialized worship.

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Cat Show Suzy Mae_6

Ancient times had rituals, blessings, preferred household member status.  Today, we drag them to Santa Monica and put leis on them for Tiki Theme.  Is it cruel?  Is it ridiculous?  Is it fun?

Cat Show Suzy Mae_9

Cat Show Suzy Mae_8Looking into the eyes of each cat, I figured it was part of their domesticated deal.  As Rudyard Kipling put it:  “I am not a friend, and I am not a servant.  I am the Cat who walks by himself, and I wish to come into your Cave.”

Cat Show Suzy Mae_3

Cat Show Suzy Mae_2

Dedicated to all my cat homiez, those fallen and those still scratching. #maepsy #banshē #catflag #bellybutton #moe$$$ #vladimir




When dreams don’t come: visual processing

Apr 4, 2014

It’s impossible to live without parsing information; processing what’s been mentally consumed.  Most people do this when they dream.  I don’t dream.  I haven’t for years.

So I make art.  These collages are a way to organize the random, overwhelming data I don’t subconsciously figure out.  Promise I’ll never try to tell you what I dreamt last night.


Skull Crapbook Alacran

TV Ghost


Gallery FetusGodard in the Yard

Health Insurance HA HA

Robert Smith Lover Man


Stone for Vase