Category Archives: HA-HA

Genuine Ken

Mar 3, 2011

Oh, dear.


Genuine Ken.  Where to begin.


This is a show on TV that really exists.  It’s the search for the “Great American Boyfriend,” hosted by some Hills girl named Whitney Port.  Filmed in Los Angeles, it’s a reality show that thinks there’s an American boyfriend ideal.


Which is sad.


Boyfriend:  male person who one is romantically involved with.  One may break up with or marry this person, depending on circumstances.

3 Kens

There’s not really an ideal here, like there would be for a doctor or engineer or bartender or architect.  These are measurable positions, and even then to an limited extent.  A boyfriend is a man, a person, a human, looking for a partner.  There is no perfect boyfriend.  Or is there?

Bad Hairdo Ken

This show thinks it’s figured out the American Boyfriend.  Telling that it’s focused on “KEN,” the longtime boyfriend of Barbie, who features prominently in the show.  We all know the social mockery Ken is faced with.  No genitals.  No manhood.  While manhood should not be focused on genitals, Ken is a symbolic and true neuter.  No balls, no dick, just a random bulge and a single-toothed grin.  Hair plasticized to the head, Ken’s main breakthrough was his gay outings, such as Earring Magic Ken and the hot DJ Ken, Blaine.


Ken has always been a girls’ fake man, a controllable, safe, unhuman thing.  Barbie lacked nipples and gash, true, but as a tool for the projected imagination of little girls, Barbie didn’t need them.  We knew what they were or would grow into them.  Barbie was a promise, a plastic tool to dress in our neuroses, multiples of which portrayed our many personality quirks and lived out psychotic tendencies.

Ken no genitals

Nicki Minaj calls gay fans KenBarbs.

Nicki MInaj

What’s with this generic construct of an ideal boyfriend?  No, you can’t be a stoic emotionless wallet/ timeclock puncher anymore.  You must be sensitive.  But not too sensitive, or you’re gay.  But you must know fashion.  And you must neg the babes.

  Pink intesnse ken

“Wow, I’m surprised.  What you just said was actually pretty smart.”

While this schizophrenic mental play has been forced upon women for centuries, I can’t take any satisfaction in the plight of manhood today.  The concept of gender definition has to be acknowledged by everyone no matter their status.  The ways we relate to one another in terms of gender are breaking down and being rebuilt by a generation of powerful women and openly ambiguous men.

Ken is totally str8

Free Mutant Taco bumper stickers

Dec 12, 2010

Don’t spend money on things.  That’s for rich people.  Mutant Taco Pride 2011 stickers don’t cost jack.  Zip.  Nada.  NO DINERO, BITCH.  They just rock.

Free sticker_Blk

Spread a little taco all over the walls of the world.  Mutant Taco stickers add ballsacks of awesome wherever you stick them.  They stick great on public property, or car windows of people you don’t know, and all the pathetic pressboard furniture you’ve ever bought in your disgusting life.

Free sticker_Grn

People you don’t know will want to fist-bump you.  Law enforcement officials will treat you with respect.  Your parents still won’t understand, which is pretty awesome.


Hot chicks love it, and if you’re a hot chick, you’ll want to rub your glittery, oily, totally curvaceous body all over our special GirlTaco stickers, the sexiest, hottest stickers you’ve ever peeled off and stuck to stuff.  Special bonus sticker for riding the buffalo bull!



I May Be A Bitch

And show your Mutant Pride 2011 by supporting Proposition 28 this election.  Keep the breeders contained, and keep the mutants rocking and bitchin’ in the kitchen!  It’s my birthright, bitch!


Multi-disciplinary Japanese artist KKK()ANAL took a break from this remote-controlled DJ ANAL(og) world tour to contribute a special edition, megabitchin’ design, available in select markets:


For more pre-printed, maximum adhesive stickers, visit your local Mutant Taco!  Locations vary.