Category Archives: Link City

Link City: Things to care about and laugh at

Jan 1, 2014

A round-up of the wildest ridiculous whatnot found on the web.

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No, really, this is serious

  • The Trans-Pacific Parnership global trade deal packages little bits of evil inside, like restricting GMO labels, reducing cigarette companies’ liability, and decimating free internet is thisclose to being signed.  A massive petition’s trying to stop it.  Sign it here.

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Advertising stuff

  • Mazda is killing pre-show movie theater advertising with their pre-show mobile game.  I want to do this.  Now.

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Funny ha-ha

xo, suzymae

Link City: LA and everywhere else

Nov 11, 2013

Link City!  Art for Angelenos, surprising surprises, and travel news.


Los Angeles art.

Dana Louise Kirkpatrick up at KM Fine Arts.  This one curated by the excellent Naheed Simjee.

Esotouric, weirdo tours of LA history.  Pasadena Confidential looks especially tasty: Jack Parsons, Sirhan Sirhan, and a 1928 grand stand collapse.

Only OK in LA has a fancy new URL.

LA- based Mortified Nation is out!  Brave, brave people reading their childhood journals= hilariously entertaining.

Son of Los Angeles Henry Rollins is starring in a horror flick.  I’m watching it.


Surprising stuff.

Remember Style Rookie?  Look how refined and elegant Tavi is now.

Video paintings by Brian Eno?  Available on DVD?  Take my money, please.

Hedy Lamarr invented Wi-Fi?  Must read piece on “the most beautiful girl in the world.”

Squat-to-pay is a thing?  Russians are working their glutes to get on the train.  Amazing.

That Van Damme Volvo commercial, with Toronto trainwreck Mayor Rob Ford’s face.  Epic ridic.

Snapchat, you so crazy.  The startup turned down THREE BILLION DOLLARS from Zucks himself.


Traveling near, traveling far. 

First, the bad news.  No party train to Vegas.  It was called the X Train, and I’m pretty sure the funding went up someone’s nose.

Haha.  Spirit Airlines made a joke about smoking crack.

The deadliest swing in the world.  Test your kids.

Somebody made an Effie Barbie and took her to Paris.  Hunger Games fans, man.  They go there.

Not done with Rob Ford links.  Canada’s wild mayor is my new hero.  In a totally ironic way.  Kind of.



I’m back

Nov 11, 2013


Fuck yes.  The cast is off, the writing hands are whole, and I’m back in yr face.

Some most excellent reading material that kept me occupied during recuperation:


Society’s ills

  • Consumerism is American, and malls are our gathering places.  Michael Galinksy’s fascinating 80’s mall snapshots Kickstarted into a new book , Malls Across America.  Check out a preview. 


T-shirt living


We’re going to talk about burgers now

  • I’m not done with burgers yet. If you haven’t followed my daily art project on Tumblr yet,tune into  Every day is a new adventure in the life of Big Bastard, the malevolent entity with a burger for a head who steals your creative energy every time you eat junk food.
