Category Archives: Pop Culture

Japan Functionality

Oct 10, 2012


Five days in Tokyo, Japan and a million pieces of new information charging through my brain.  While processing this inspiration artistically, I’ll share some super tips for first time visitors.  These were both researched in advance, and discovered the hard way.


Be a dork.  Take the tour.  

There’s no way to get a grasp of Tokyo’s individudal districts & traditional rituals without a guided tour.  Even if your best Japanese pen pal from fifth grade does it, tours by residents give a hidden history to the sights and sounds you see, adding more meaning than a million guidebooks.


  • City Introduction.  Do a general Tokyo tour your first day .  The HatoBus half-day tour drives all over the city, dropping you in Ginza to explore the madcap shopping.


  • Kabuki Theater.  Citizens run their own tours, like Kazui of Tokyo  Kabuki Guides.  Born out of her own love for Kabuki, she helps newbies and visitors understand the history with an intimate conversation over tea and sweets around the corner from the Shinbashi Enbujo theater, then walks them to the box office, buys your tickets, and sends you in, informed on the stories you’ll see, how to behave, and where to pick up intermission’s lunch.


  • Japanese Ghosts.  Haunted Tokyo Tours walk for 2 hours plus, through the slums of long ago, down haunted pathways– if you’re lucky, to the grave of Hattori Hanzo and even the shrine to Japan’s most famous ghost Oiwa.  Spiritual cleansings are included at the tour’s conclusion.  Thankfully.


 Each district has its day.

Some days are better than others for specific sights.  Ginza closes down their streets for pedestrian paradise on Saturdays.  Harajuku’s fashion kids come out to Yoyogi on Sundays, but Sundays aren’t the best days to bar hop.


Be a one-night regular.

Don’t just booze and bounce from bar to bar.  When you find one you vibe with, stick around for a few.  People will start coming up to you, photoshoots start to happen,  the owner might buy you a drink, and the barbecue may come out for free food later in the night.  People are people.  We get familiar with each other over time and REAL familiar over drink.


Cash is emperor.  

Don’t expect to drop your credit card at every restaurant and little shop.  Most won’t take it and cab drivers definitely won’t.  Get yen from your bank before you go, but since not all banks stock a ton of yen, the best move is to buy out your bank, take American cash, & exchange it at the Narita airport, but I’d make sure the currency exchange is open when your flight arrives.   If you need an ATM, find a post office.  Look for the red symbol.  There’s a fee to pull yen from your card, but worth it if you’re cashless.


Get a global data plan.

Verizon offers 100mb of global roaming data for $25.  When you go over, you get a message telling you another $25 has been added to your account.  This is going to save your ass– when you need to access Google Maps, when you need an address for a cab driver, when you need a translation… And how cheap is $25, compared to the “fuck it, I’ll just roam” plan?  Prepare.


 7-Eleven is your friend.

Don’t go to McDonald’s late at night.  Just don’t.  It’s no better than the American version, despite what your disgusting friends have told you.  7-Eleven is stocked with the candies and sodas your friends back home will love, and the fresh salads, onigiri, Japanese-style snacks and toiletries you are going to need.


This should help first time visitors overcome a few challenges. Hit me on Twitter for more specific reccommendations– there’s no possible way to pack the amazingness of Japan into one post.

Winehouse Talent Melt

Jun 6, 2011

 Edit:  July 23, 2011

Amy’s died of a drug overdose.  I really wanted her to kick her addictions and come out with another beautiful record.  It’s hard to mourn celebrities you never knew, but she put so much of herself into her music– a beautiful gift to the world.  Thanks, Amy.  Please find the peace you deserve.

Amy Winehouse recently put on a show in Belgrade.  It wasn’t a performance as much as a spectacle.  The Britney Spears of England had recently emerged from rehab.

Clearly, someone is close enough to Amy Winehouse to make money off of her, but not close enough to care that she’s completely bombed out of reality.

1 young screensaver

3 young innocent amy

Before she was a hit in the states, I’d found her Back to Black record, randomly, and fell in love with it.  Seeing a talent you adore become searingly popular creates a kind of pride– unless you’re the worst kind of hipster, in which case you revoke all affection.  But I’m not that douche.  I was proud of Amy, excited to see her in magazines, dressed up as her for Halloween (me and a million other idiots.)

1 hot amy

2_red carpet

5 cute amy
3 onstage

When she started sliding into Blake-fueled madness, smoking crack, talking to baby mice, and falling all over the streets of London, I started saving her images from gossip rags.

 7 amy and blake are seweet

 5 young couch amy

Crackhead amy

Toothless amy

2 zombie amy

1 Amy in car
4 singing amy

4 cute tattoo amy

Each day, the picture was worse.  The eyes were sadder.  The hair was snarlier.  The face was scabbier.

Amy hit you

Cockeyed amy

Amy scab

Amy so crazy

Closeup street amy

Fame and money gave her ultimate access to oblivion… and in her oblivion, stumbling, muttering perfomances seem to bring in more fame and more money.  She managed to dissolve into full-force crackhead status before the public’s obssessed and hungry eyes.

Amy falls

Amy no beehive

Amyfishnet sad

Amy dance trash

Amy's cuts

Amy no beehive ugly

She’s not really my friend.  Amy could be a raging bitch that I’d never want to speak to.  But I feel a sympathetic sadness watching her, years later, still clearly struggling with drugs.

 Amy sad

Scarf sad amy

Gangsta amy

Amy’s rough, but her new fake tits, model-scrawny body and oversized, oversexed hair keep her popular and photographed.  But the future’s never been kind to druggy hot chicks.  Physical age is only acceptable for druggy rock dudes.  There is no female Keith Richards.

Amy boob job



I’d love to see Amy get her world together before her talents and intelligence are irretrievable.  After the fame and money have passed, Amy will still be faced with her problems, and her oblivion.

4 pretty amy