Category Archives: Sandy the Zine

Sandy & Her/LA

Apr 4, 2015

 Sandy hooked up with Her/LA, a feminist festival, to sell zines and host the photobooth.  Packed with impressive women of the witchy persuasion, the event balanced between sexy, smart, and fun.

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My interpretation of event attendees.

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The teeny spot in Hollywood was packed with music, dancing, hot-as-hell outfits, literature, etc.  Enjoy these photos from Sandy’s booth, and stay tuned to Her/LA’s FB page for updates on their next big idea.

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Premstar Santana, Amanda Lee McCarty, & Suzy Mae





Feb 2, 2015

I figured out Zine Fest.

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Earlier I was there, working through the crowds, trying to trade my comics for comics.  Comics are good currency at Zine Fests.

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Todd of Razorcake found out about Sandy the zine and asked us to represent in the “Old School, New School” panel.  Naturally, yes.  This is him at Razorcake HQ.

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Zine Fest was held in HOMENETMEN, a big athletic center.  Busy, yes, it was very, very busy.  Over three thousand people were expected to arrive.  It felt like three thousand.  Parking… parking shall never be spoken of again.

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Sandy was being sold at the Women’s Center For Creative Work table, bless them.

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The panel was brilliant.  We talked about the benefits of paper zines versus blogs & vice versa.  For Amanda Lee McCarty and I, Sandy’s physical benefits outweigh the digital.  We like having a tangible piece of media that can be held in your hands.   Taken with you on vacation.  Sexing up your coffee table.  Instagram and all the other social portals have their own value.  But Sandy’s content is meant to last longer and mean more than a single blog post.

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Edit!  Razorcake/Gorsky press just released the podcast of our conversations.

It’s accessible here:  LA Zine Fest 2015 “Old School, New School” Panel Discussion


Apr 4, 2014

All-new Sandy the Zine, issue number two is in the works, thanks to yours truly and my BFF, the brilliant Amanda Lee McCarty.

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We’re seeking submissions, through our personal circles and in the Sandy community, on topics super-relevant to feminism today.  Amanda and I aren’t militant man-haters (yes, that needs to be said) or women’s studies-obsessed (well, kind of).  Mainly, we’re amateur sociologists exploring the gender card the universe dealt us, while being Professional Bosses, wild women, and making flower crowns when days get dark.

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SPINSTERISM, choosing to live partner-free, is the idea Sandy contributors are mulling this issue. There are valid reasons to get married. And just as many reasons not to.

So why is SPINSTER a negative term, for gay and straight women alike?

We’re reclaiming the term SPINSTER in Sandy Issue Two, and accepting submissions that explore the benefits, challenges, and social implications of being a single woman in 2014… and beyond.

Here are the brand new SANDYtheZINE Submission Guidelines that detail how we’ll review, select, and edit your work.

1. Send your proposal for submission by April 15th, 5:00 PM PST to
2. We’ll contact all selected contributors by April 22nd
3. Final submissions due on May 15th, 5:00 PM PST
4.  If you’re sending a proposal for a written piece, 75 words max.