Category Archives: Travel

Full Backpack: traveling light

Jul 7, 2013

Full Backpack10 copy

Suitcases are for suits.  For the past few weeks, I went Full Backpack.  After scoring a handsome military style bag from my favorite Hollywood surplus store, I promised myself that everything for my East Coast/ Midwest tour needed to fit in the bag.  Everything.

Backpack Promises: Travel Light!

The Full Backpack promise was paired with a motto by artist Alexander Barrett: “You Do You, Dude.”  A few Full Backpack rules:

do it in the sink

Do it in the sink.  Rayons & light fabrics are easily washed in a sink and
hung to dry overnight. Pack sports bras only.  They’re built to soak up sweat while running around. Years ago, an old roomie taught me the best timesaver ever:  jump in the shower with your sports bra on, wash with Dr Bronner’s, wring out and hang up before you dry off.  Perfection.

no books allowed

No books allowed.  My biggest packing fail?  Bringing books I’ll never read. Full Backpack only allows for articles of creation, not consumption: laptop, notebook, pencil case.  (One fresh Vanity Fair is allowed for plane rides.) With apps like Instapaper and Kindle, who even needs paper?  I always come home with new reads anyway.

carry a charge

Carry a charge.  Instead of hauling around two devices, i.e. smartphone plus
tablet backup, a mobile charger will keep your phone juiced.  I used mine twice, then promptly dropped it down a New York sewer grate.  I’m now at the mercy of bartenders and random outlets until I find a new one.  That’s Full Backpack for you.  Figure it out on the fly.

pack black

Pack black.  Multiple black shirts go with everything:  wild banana shorts, light nylon skirts, denim cutoffs, shredded leggings. A pair of leopard flats and oxblood Madewell riding boots are the perfect go-to travel shoes.  Heels are for masochists.

double bag

Double bag.  Clearly, I’m not hauling a backpack everywhere, college-expat-in-Europe-style.  A tote and a classic airline travel bag fit in the backpack, for daily use and hauling home a stockpile of souvenirs and presents.

teeny weeny toiletries

Teeny weeny toiletries.  In Japan (my Japanese travel tips at the link!), I bought the most perfect toiletry travel bag from Uniqlo.  It somehow fits every tiny shampoo, little lotion, mini face wash, teeny hairspray, etc, I could possibly use in the most compact, efficient space.  Hoard little toiletries for Full Backpack life, and look for miniaturized tools, like an itsy-bitsy hair straightener.

don't check your backpack

No checking backpacks.  Not only does Full Backpack allow you to skip past bag checks, it’ll even fit under an airplane seat when the overhead luggage
carriers are full.

do more with less

Do more with less.  No excessive makeup or wardrobe is needed.  Anyone you meet on a Full Backpack trip should not care that your hair is fried and you’re in eyeliner instead of full face glamour.  And if those people care, why are you talking to them?  Leave them alone.

They suck, and they are not a part of the Full Backpack experience:  You do you, dude.  You do you.



Visit Seattle for the pinball.

Jun 6, 2013


i love visiting Seattle.  Recently I had the good fortune to skip up to the the city on the edge of the nation, see some old friends, and breathe in salty Northwest ocean air.


I stayed in Capitol Hill, a place I seem to end up in over and over and over.  My bestest, oldest friend, the one who got matching ballerina with machine gun tattoos with me, lives there. She’s an amazing bartender, student, and womens’ shelter volunteer.  Hustler since day one.  Love that girl.


I’m a regular, even in cities I visit.  My Seattle haunt is the UNICORN, ex-Neumos (another place I’d end up at over and over again), and the best part of the Unicorn now is the ultra-deluxe basement bar and pinball selection!  Pinball, my love.  In Los Angeles, as much as I love it, we don’t have a strong pinball culture.  The Northwest breeds pinball junkies.  Pinball gangs.  Pinball rivals.


I have my own favorite game:  Mideval Madness.  I barged in on some kid playing intensely, wearing homemade wristguards to protect his skin and bones from the edge of the sharp pinball machine. We battled pinball-style, and it was epic. I can’t help it.  It’s been years since I destroyed the castle.

In between hot yoga, coffee shops, and Viking museums, a friend and I connected over an Instagram image of the Space Needle.  He was working at Sub Pop and did I want to come hang out?  Of course I did.


Derek Erdman, best receptionist ever, is a favorite person of mine.  He’s run record stores and art galleries, had the first (and still one of the best) personal websites I’ve ever seen, and creates the most genius asshole art on earth.  Including Kathy McGinty and Rap Master Maurice.  We caught up over tea (so excellent to connect with old friends!  I met Derek as a teen!) and then I split for the Seattle Art Museum.


So much good stuff there:  Pacific Northwest art, sculpture, costumes, video, and multiple artifacts. Something about the Northwest native art style draws me in and inspires.  The simple lines, the repetitive features, the slight executions of scale passed down over centuries… It’s an ancient beauty of timeless design.


I drove back to Portland after the museum excited by the hours I spent there, truly on vacation, absorbing pieces of the past and ideas for the future.  That drive has always felt incredibly cleansing and creative.  I’ve had some of the best ideas driving that stretch, my mind going as fast as the car can take me.  I miss the Northwest, but I know I’ll be back in Seattle, with my old friends very soon…

