Running late? Travel apps to save your ass.

Apr 4, 2013

Sometimes you’re running late. 


My flight was at 3:15.  Boarding was at 2:45. I was at home.  And it was 1:15.  Holy crap, how’d I mess that up?  So my mind snapped into crisis mode, remembering three very important things:  1.) I never gave my catsitter the housekey.  2.) I needed to write my rent check.   3.)  I needed a taxi IMMEDIATELY.


the cat is spoiled

Enter TaxiMagic.  I’ve used this app more times than I can count, especially on research trips.  In cities where I’m unfamiliar with my location, this thing pinpoints my location and sends a driver.

It remembers where I’ve often called for rides:  home, Lil’G’s, the Cha Cha Lounge… TaxiMagic knows me well.  Check out the screengrab at 3AM and barely any juice.  (It’s really easy to use intoxicated.)

 taken immdiately AFTER using Taxi Magic

Taxi Magic has proven to be reliable.  It’s integrated into dispatcher’s fleet management systems.  I called after a furious run to my catsitter’s, and the dispatcher was able to recognize my number and immediately tell me, “Oh, your cab just pulled up outside.”  Perfection.

Not only can you save your credit card and pay via app, certain fleets have integrated card swipers in the backseat– no bitchy cab driver demanding cash and swiping old-school, crappy carbon credit slips.  (This has caused me to miss a flight in the past.  Big, big fail.)

this is the difference between flight or fail

Also on the way to the airport, I got a text from Alaska Airlines, and a link to check in and get a digital boarding pass  en rote.


who says QR codes are worthless?

I was able to check into Hotel Tonight, on my way to the airport, a fabulous app that shows availability-based rates for hotels in your area (and multiple cities) after noon, when rates are lowered and deals are set.  The design is smooth and crisp.  A fantastic user experience that remembers your payment details like Taxi Magic.

you gotta love mysterious phone photos (when did I take this?)

So I got to Burbank airport at 2:15.  There was NO ONE in line.  NO ONE. Crickets.  My digital boarding pass got me straight through security, I walk to my gate about 30 feet away, and ABC7 News has kindly provided the free wi-fi to write this post.


I have time for a big-ass beer  (the first of many).


And they’re playing David Bowie’s “Fashion.”  Later that night I sang “Fashion” at karaoke.  It was a great inspiration when challenged to compete with the likes of my friends: top 2 karaoke performers of all time…



The trip to Portland and Seattle was beautiful, busy, and delicious.  I caught up with friends during a few sunny days in Portland.  I even stumbled over the Portland edition of The Blogcademy, a glamorous and inspirational 2-day class I’ll be embarking on tomorrow.  My trip lacked Wi-Fi reception, so I’m delving back into social media strategies with a fresh mind.


I love the Northwest, but it’s great to be back in Hollywood in my home after a nonstop trip…

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