World’s Fastest Agency

Mar 3, 2013


I’ve long upheld that the fastest to adapt are the first to succeed, but as a perfectionist and ex-spelling champ, I can’t help but notice that the new “World’s Fastest Agency,” despite having a game-changing and efficient model, included a typo in their press release to the world.

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Did you catch it?  Lightning, not lightening.  I can tell you from personal experience that a crack of electricity from the sky is much faster than a professional blonding session.   There’s about 8 hours of difference there.

This type of detail omission is tragic for an up-and-coming agency’s FIRST MISSIVE TO THE WORLD.  If this is what they’ve had time to prepare, how many points of view and relevant details are they going to gloss over in their creative and strategic deliverables?

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That said, I wish them lots of luck and happy proofreading from now on.  The business model requires a staff of smart, informed individuals and a leadership team with boldness and insight to attempt such a unique idea.  I’ll be paying attention.


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